The natural air we turned to fume
Is now the death we breathe per fume
If world we are, will end so soon
The lives we had won't want it soon

The pen that writes, won't write for long
The spicy meat, will move to lung
Once writer's pen prescribe a word
Such word will reign, and writer, gone

The qualms we have in life is death
We're living life, the life of dead
If non is worthy being a friend
Ain't life we live, the life of dead

The nature cries, unheard her voice
The nature weeps, unseen her cries
If deafening ear we pay to her
The life we live, ain't it like den?

The world in chaos, we live by force
The little sins, have all matured
To dead we say: you rest in peace
Alive, can't we just rest in peace?

The stones we throw at birds will say
The baby plants and trees will say
The lives we take, their souls will say
What sins are we ? No one can say!

Don't call Satan, the godly one
Don't think of live, for immortal ones
If stones you throw in market place
The ones you know will be in place

CAN'T WE LIVE IN PEACE? CAN'T WE LIVE IN PEACE? Reviewed by Profay on May 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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