THE WEBS OF SHAITAN, THE WAY OUT (FINAL PART) of Ass. Prof Mahfouz Adedimeji

"Surely Shaitan is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy. He only invites his hizb (followers) that they may became the dweller of the blazing fire"  (Fātir 35:6)

_______________Faisal A.______________

The advances of man in arts, sciences and technology have made the world shrink to a global family, a single unit. These developments gives power to Shaitan more than before, he (Shaitan) prowls worldwide, capturing almost everybody in his hardly perceptible but undoubtedly efficient web.

As observed by the author, the Shaitanic network covers the whole world more than the cables and wires of satellite and IT infrastructures. Unfortunately, many have been logged in to the dangerous website.

As a Muslim, the fact remains that Shaitan is our enemy and we often seek refuge from Allah against the accursed Shaitan but in reality we dine and wine with him. Our claim that he isn't our friend and that we seek protection against him doesn't hold water, in actual fact, we court him, we fraternize with him; and of course, he's our companion, our best buddy. Hence, we're stripped of honour, and we lose our valour.

As earlier stated in the first part of this writing that the book is written in two parts. The second and perhaps the last part proffered the way out of the web. Notably, logging out of the web requires a great deal of zeal and determination.

How to log out!

Knowledge and the practice of it: nothing destroys Muslims more than ignorance of his religion. Little wonder is it then that the prophet always preach seeking for knowledge. In a tradition he called seeking knowledge compulsory and in another tradition he said Muslims should seek for knowledge even it be in as far as China. (E get why)

However, what will differentiate between real knowledge and pseudo-knowledge is that Muslims ultimate goal of seeking knowledge should be for attainment of the pleasure of Allah.

To be outside the web of Shaitan, then one has to practice what he's taught. Today's world has revealed that the stock of the trade is knowledge without practice. For self interest, many Muslims wallow in the murky waters of sins and corruption.

More also, the Islamic ideology is the basis of Islam and this is what a Muslim has to pronounce, assert and believe if at all he is a Muslim. The ideology is made up of two parts: the negation and affirmation. Through this ideology, Muslims should say "NO" to any idea, system and  philosophy that contradicts Islam.

Muslim, which type are you?

More than just tongue utterances, you must proof you're a conscious Muslim. Just like fruits, Muslims are of types, basically; the partial and true. Be true and conscious Muslim.

Be a M-U-S-L-I-M

M- Muhammad should be our role model, best example as he's the most worthy of emulation. Michael Hart in his book The 100 rates him(Muhammad) as number one most influential man. Hence, his life and character should be studied a and emulated.

U- Understanding. Understanding Islam is a prerequisite.

S- sincerity with struggle, this involves the purity of intention and consciousness of one's duties.

L- love, spread love for Muslims and non Muslims.

I- ideology

M- moderation.

Remember, what worth doing, worth doing well. Be a conscious Muslim.

Istighfār: the path of sanity from many of the prevailing Madness is seeking forgiveness and avoiding returning to the sin, in all its ramifications.

All in all, our world will be a better place if we starts being a Muslim beyond names. Our generation will attain more blessing if you also determine now to regenerate, to start a new leaf by knowing Muhammad and making his teachings, the compass with which you navigate the ocean of our existence which was full of temptation through the web of Shaitan.

Cumulatively, I can't tell you all, there are whole lot of thing I missed to include in my writeup. But the book is on Amazon, you can buy and read. All I've said were just tip of an iceberg.

May Allah reward the author.
THE WEBS OF SHAITAN, THE WAY OUT (FINAL PART) of Ass. Prof Mahfouz Adedimeji THE WEBS OF SHAITAN, THE WAY OUT (FINAL PART) of Ass. Prof Mahfouz Adedimeji Reviewed by Profay on July 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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