Two things are striking about the book, "Right Writing, Wrong Writing", they are: One, that Associate Professor Mahfouz, the author, is not just a seasoned scholar but also a word in the world. Two, that this book is more than a writing guide, perhaps it's a lifetime guide to success.

Having concluded the reading of the book in two days, I felt for the first time in my life that, I've been liberated from the fears of writing to the love of writing. You wonder why? here is the answer: I'm writing about the book an Ass. Professor wrote. I'm amazed, you should too.

Writing as posited in this book is what lives in you; it's inbuilt. Just like a biological function, everyone feels and breathes it on daily bases. However, the book "Right Writing, Wrong Writing" renders to you a simple approach to writing that would make you  see writing as fun. Wait! I'm actually not saying it's fun but with a copy of the book, you will realize it's not drudgery as you've imagined or thought.

Have some tips about the book.

Right Writing, Wrong Writing is a sixty-page masterpiece. The simplicity of the language employed  by the author is a topnotch and that is more reason you would find it more "enjoyable" and comprehend every message in it. Apparently, the book lectures and teaches better, even when teacher is invisible. That is one of the secrets I've got to tell you.

The book does not concern itself with your writing alone, it also emphasizes on setting the mind right as it would lead to writing right. The first chapter entails the relationship between human being and languages. It also covers the introductory part of writing. Notably, to write rightly, you must be a good reader.

Discussions in other chapters and sections of the book include: 7being, 5W, SPACE, POWER, determinants of right writing and wrong writing( all made easy in the book).

To this end, I wants to invite you with the word of Mary Kay Ash: "There are four kinds of people in this world: those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; those who wonder what happened; those who don’t know that anything happened! I knew from a very early stage that I wanted to be first on that list"

Grab a copy of this book "Right Writing, Wrong Writing" and I assure you, you're not going to be only in the first on that list in writing alone but also in life.

Make your payments(#2,000) to:

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Then send a message via https://bit.ly/AMABooks on WhatsApp with proof of your confirmation of payment.

Check out more about the author on mahfouzadedimeji.com. It's a quest you won't regret.
New design by: my brother, Adebayo Mubarak.

1 comment:

  1. I wish i get a copy of this book.Money is the problem.


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