Come off it!
You are a beast
Think not that you are human?
Of course animal you are
Animal in man's picture

You took away
Her pride, forcefully
And left her a stigma
Alas! She's left shattered.

You give her
a deadly threat
That kills her voice
Even while she nurtures wound

You go about with a decent look
In you is a  demon
You boast you've won
Never do you give a second thought
That surrounded you are, females
Either your mum, sisters or niece
Could be a victim unknown
But you never wake from your slumber

Can you be blamed?
When you could do such to your families
The one you've named to be your shoulders
For sure, a beast you are

Men are kings while women are queens
But you choose to be the worst
Of what man could point as man
You walk around in a boastful way
And made the girls to live a life
Of a living dead, loosing self esteem

In every deeds are rewards
For justice shall prevail for sure
If not today, but tomorrow it shall
The blood of the innocents shall ask
The joy you find in hurting shall scream
Scream aloud, for justice
For the evil doer, can never know peace

© Pharteemarh's pen✍️
INHUMAN IN HUMAN INHUMAN IN HUMAN Reviewed by Profay on June 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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